Julien Roy julien@jroy.ca In a loosely-coupled system, events can be used by parts of the system to inform each other about relevant occurrences. The zope.event package (optionally together with zope.interface and zope.component) provides a generic mechanism to dispatch objects representing those events to interested subscribers (e.g., functions). This package defines a specific set of event objects and API functions for describing the life-cycle of objects in the system: object creation, object modification, and object removal. Zope Foundation and Contributors zope-dev@zope.org https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.lifecycleevent/issues https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.lifecycleevent/blob/master/CHANGES.rst https://zopelifecycleevent.readthedocs.io zopefoundation/zope.lifecycleevent zope.lifecycleevent